
Why Microsoft SharePoint is the Perfect Choice?


When my wife and I got married, a friend who was moving back to London decided to give us his apartment full of furniture to start our new life together. It was great, except for one problem..

He gave us a 5 seater-sofa which we love a lot, but it didn’t have any legs and sat low to the floor. Anyways he gifted us and we are grateful to him.

After 2 years of carting that sofa from house to house, last year, we decided to give it to the members of our local community through Facebook.

To my surprise, when I turned the sofa on its side to get it through the doorway, I happened to hear a strange rattle inside the sofa.

We took out the back of the sofa and guess what, we found 2 large packages inside the sofa. Before open it, I got suspicious thinking it was a large stack of cash.

We hurriedly opened both packages and what we saw was inside the sofa all these years, there was completely unused and still packed perfect set of legs for our sofa!

I fixed the legs to the sofa and guess what, the sofa which we were planning to throw away thinking its worthless is now placed right in the center of our living room.

This is one good story I tell my prospects for companies who don’t realize the strength of their SharePoint Environment.

They have been using SharePoint for a while, without bothering to fully understand the depth of SharePoint features and benefits. Atleast 15% percent of the people are thinking of taking off SharePoint and looking into other 3rd party solutions that may work for them well, however it lacks unshakable foundations and deep potential of Microsoft SharePoint.

In today’s business, work atmosphere itself is changing drastically and work is getting more of knowledge based – with increase in virtual and mobile capabilities. As you know most of the organizations never think of getting rid of their office spaces, they are on the verge of dumping the one tool which could enhance collaboration, communication and productivity – the virtual hub for productive and mobile workforce.

There is a great power within your Microsoft SharePoint Environment which is lying unnoticed, all you got to do is deep dive inside and find the legs that is required to have. In context to the above, what we do at Dock is that we have created a fantastic pre-built portal called Dock Intranet Portal that transforms your out-of-the-box SharePoint Environment to a centralized collaboration hub ensuring 100% collaboration and communication within your organization.

So, I kindly request you not to throw out your sofa “oops” SharePoint! There’s a lot more waiting to be found inside!

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